
Ugh...take 2

I originally posted this in February after finding out we were wait listed once again for the adoption program at Lutheran Family Services. Change the word "August" to "February" and it's the same story just a different month. At this point, D & I don't know what we're going to do. Domestic adoption has always been where our passion lies so maybe we'll focus on identified adoption through a private attorney. IDK...we have some thinking to do.

Alright, people. I'm going to 'splain this once and ONLY once. We were not selected for the Lutheran Family Services' adoption program. We will be reinterviewing for a position in the program in August. At that point, we will be given priority and they will try to fit us into the program any way they can. It is not due to us, our preparedness for adoption, our income, our credit, our home, our personalities or anything else that we can control. The program has 25 wiating families and needs to offer a decent selection for the expectant mothers to choose from. We just happen to be a little too common-Young(ish) working parents living in West Omaha without children. Right now they're looking for people who already have children to add to the program.

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