
Feeling left out sucks..

I have a love/hate relationship with my job. There are some days that I adore going into work and there are other days where I want to lock myself in my office and just scream.
I am the marketing/new business person in my office. I'm in charge of all marketing and bringing in new customers. I don't handle so much of the service work or follow up work as the other girls because that's not really what I'm good at. I'm good at getting our name out there and making people aware of our services and bringing new clients into the office. I handle the first meeting and sell them their first policies. All follow up meetings are usually handled by the other girls in the office.
I'm off track (but now you know what I do all day!!) Some days I want to remind every other person in my office that I AM a licensed agent. I did take all the licensing tests within the past 6 months(and passed them with flying colors thankyouverymuch!) so I kinda know what I'm talking about. I feel like the other girls in the office dismiss my thoughts and suggestions because I handle less insurance on a daily basis than they do. I always end up feeling left out.
I don't ever want my children to feel this way. I know it's inevitable that they are going to feel left out one day (kids can be sooo mean!!) but I don't want them to feel this way because of their skin color. D and I are totally prepared to adopt a child that isn't Moonbeam white like we are and I know there are complications to a transracial family but I am trying to do all the research I can and prepare us for all possible issues.
I just don't want my baby to ever feel like they stick out like a rainbow in a sea of black and white (unless that is their intention!!)!

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