
Planning my future

I occasionally search for my "DREAM JOB" on some job site. It is always for a nonprofit and I'm the Event Coordinator or Director of Events or something creative and fun like that but I know that I don't have the qualifications they're looking for since I didn't finish my degree and I've always worked customer service or sales jobs.
So I'm on CareerBuilderMonsterGetAJobNowOrDaydreamAboutTheOnesYouAren'tQualifiedFor and I see two listings that fall in my DREAM JOB category. "WTH," I think and I open them both. For the past couple months I've felt like I'm aimlessly drifting. I love my volunteer work and I enjoy my work but I've wondered where my path was leading me. I was recently elected the President of the Southwest Optimist Club and appointed to the board of Blessings in a Basket. Both are leadership positions for nonprofits. So...back to DREAM JOB openings...THEY ONLY REQUIRE ONE YEAR EXPERIENCE IN A LEADERSHIP POSITION FOR A NONPROFIT!!

I feel like the heavens have opened and I was allowed to look into that big crystal ball with my future in it. I see where my path is heading and HOLYCRAPAMIEXCITED!
So..to sum it up: Even when you're discouraged and not sure where your path is leading you bring joy to others and you'll end up where you belong.
Soar, baby, soar!

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