
I hate it when a llama named Carl stabs me 37 times and eats my hands.

I'm filling this post with lots of memes. I just wanted to pop up when this was searched. :)

With the gluttoney of the holiday season upon us, D and I are embarking on a No Spend Month. We certainly aren't the first to do it and it is TOTES not our idea of fun.
Due to some unforseen circumstances we have a large payment we have to make next Monday. We just moved into the new house and bascially we are First World Broke. We have enough money to pay for the basics but we are not able to spend much money this month. No worries, we will not go hungry. They boys might end up hungry if they decide to continue being picky eaters but that is their choice.

We have a nice stockpile of food thanks to over purchasing for the past couple months and we plan on eating our way through the cupboards and spending as little on groceries as possible.
So..here are the rules (ya know...if you want to join me in saving moolah and changing your spending habits):
1- If it is not necessary, don't buy it. Yes, hubs...that means out of the 8 lightbulbs you want to purchase we will only be purchasing 2. And they're for the boy's bedroom. The rest of the lights are unnecessary. And it includes the 5 hour energy drinks...get to bed before midnight and you'll be fine. Plus we bought a Kuerig coffee machine specifically for you to make coffee every morning. USE IT! It also includes Scentsy bricks, new shelves, and all the other little things I want to buy to make the house more homey. It can wait. It is not important.

2-If you are going to starve to death, BUY it! But if it is just one item that would make a dish "perfect" suck it up and deal.

3-Grocery shop but limit the extra purchases. Do we need paper towels? Yes. More toilet paper? No. We can make it the month with the last 5 rolls. A little note to my boys- IF YOU CONTINUE TO USE 1/4 A ROLL TO WIPE YOUR HEINIE I WILL HIDE THE ROLLS AND YOU WILL HAVE TO COME TO ME TO GET TP BEFORE YOU GO TO THE BATHROOM.  We are *NOT* going to continue going through one roll a weekend when we can go 2.5 weeks on one roll.
Alright. I have your attention! My goal is to spend no more than $300 on gas and groceries...for the month. We normally spend between $600-$800 on food and $450 on gas for the month. This is going to work. I am determined to make it work.
Oh..don't feel sorry for us. That big payment we have to make is to be able to take the boys on our 7 day cruise with us in January. It's their big xmas gift. ;) I will make this work.


  1. Hahahahahaha I loved that "I hate it when..." search. It was priceless. Good luck on your "no spending". You're pretty much amazing, so I don't doubt you can do it and do it well.! You are Super Woman!

    1. You're pretty amazing yourself. COrrection..You're pretty & amazing yourself! ;)
      Wow...that winky face make it totes creepy. You going to join in on the No Spending Spree that is sure to make me go UGH!!!!?
